About us

Per Ton Metals brings together supply and demand for metal

Per Ton Metals is where supply and demand for second choice and unmarketable metal comes together. Purchasing within our extensive network and our logistical efficiency make it possible for us to literally bring parties together.

Per Ton Metals is the ideal contact for metals in all qualities, shapes and sizes. On the one hand Per Ton Metals provides a full-service solution for suppliers by buying up second choice and unmarketable materials. And on the other hand we provide perfectly usable materials for various applications at an affordable price.


Per Ton Metals is supply-driven. Our range of metals is not exhaustive, but depends on supply. Second choice comes about rather than being made. The current range is clearly presented on our website. Our sophisticated search method enables you to quickly find the specific products we have to offer. You can also indicate your specific interests and we will automatically let you know when the materials become available. That way you find just what you need.


You will quickly find what you need on the Per Ton Metals website.  In the left-hand column of our homepage you can filter your search by product type and quality. Click on 'advanced search' to indicate the size. 
You can indicate the range by entering the minimum and maximum values in this search screen.
If you are looking for a sheet with a precise thickness of 2 mm, enter '2' for both the minimum and maximum thickness. If you are looking for a sheet thickness between 2 mm and 4 mm, enter 2 for the minimum thickness and 4 for the maximum thickness. That way you will always be able to view the stock list you require.

Download YOUR OWN LIST of your selection

Once you have made your selection you can use the left-hand column of our homepage to export the batches to an Excel or PDF file. Click on the "download list" button to display the batches in an Excel or PDF file.


If you are interested in one or more of the batches in our online stock, nothing could be easier than applying for an online quotation. Click here to read how it works.

Copyright © 2025 Per Ton Metals BV

Copyright © 2025 Per Ton Metals BV
Webdesign & CMS by Downdijk